

Sunday, March 18, 2012

How to suggest friends on Facebook

With users beginning to familiarize themselves with the new Timeline. This post comes as another helpful tip to help you know your Timeline better. Like it or not Timeline for Facebook is here to stay. You might be wondering how to suggest a new friend to someone on Facebook. This is the old functionality that all of us have been familiar with. When you want to make sure two of your friends get introduced to each other. This is also a great way to introduce people on Facebook. With this functionality so easy you get your friends to Facebook each other. Great way to bring people together on Facebook

How to suggest friends on facebook
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on the person's profile who you want to introduce the other person to.
3. On the bottom of their profile cover is the tab 'Messages' with a drop-down button next to it.
4. Click on the drop-down and choose 'Suggest friends'

How to suggest friends on Facebook

5. From the pop-up window you can start by typing a friend's name or scrolling through your entire friend's list and choose the one or more you want to suggest.
6. Once your done click on 'Send Suggestions'
7. Each friend that you have selected will receive an invitation to add your friend as a friend.
8. You're done.

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