

Friday, March 2, 2012

Use DataLocker to encrypt and secure your DropBox files

The popularity of DropBox has proved once and for all the importance of cloud storage. More and more people are turning to storing their data in the cloud with the benefit that it will always be available to them no matter where they are. There is however a chance that you want to store some private and confidential information in the cloud and your service of choice is DropBox. So if that is the case you just might want to encrypt those files and then store is securely. DataLocker is a service that will help you do just that. With DataLocked you can store files from your native clients like Windows, Mac, iPhone or iPad. Once you download DataLocker you will be able to then use it to easily secure files and store the same in DropBox. 

DataLocker is the first product from 'Appsense labs' and is completely free to use. Currently the service is focused on DropBox and there is no information on when and if it will be available for iCloud and Skydrive. 

DataLocker: How does it work
You will first need to download and install the app. You will then need to link it to your DropBox account. You can then immediately start uploading new files while encrypting them. You will also be able to browse through existing files while protecting them and adding security. You can download the Windows version from here and the iOS app from here
DataLocker on the web

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