

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Wallit: The app that lets your write on digital walls in real places

Wallit is an interesting little iOS app that lets you visit places and write on walls. There is an Android app that is also coming soon. This is a kind of augmented reality that you might find really interesting. With Wallitapp you can visit physical places and create a wall. All the other people who are there will then also be able to write on the same wall and you can chat with everyone who has the app and have begun using the wall. The thing about each wall is that it is available to everyone and anyone can read it. To write on a wall however you would need to be there physically.

Wallit: How does it work
You first need to download the app onto your iPhone, iPod Touch or the iPad. You can then visit a place and find the associated wall. lets say you are visiting the 'Golden Gate Bridge'. You can then write on the wall and start a conversation with other people who are present there. So if you are at a stadium you can chat with all the people who support the other team. Will definitely make for very interesting conversation. It works anywhere in the world. Which means with the app you can look up places you are going to visit and see what other people who have already been there have written. The amount of information available however will depend on the number of people using this app. So if it becomes really popular you can expect to search and find some really awesome information. A wall can be created for just about any place. A waterfall, a road, a restaurant and well you get the picture. So go ahead visit a place and see if you can Wallit.
Wallitapp on the web
Wallit for iPhone

An original post by


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