

Monday, April 30, 2012

FlyRights mobile app lets you report unfair Airport Screeners and Ethnic Profiling

If you feel you have been unfairly screened by airport security or maybe called aside due to ethnic profiling there is an app for you to launch a complaint. Developed by the Sikh Coalition who have been subject to more airport security checks since Sep 11, because  of the turbans they wear. Some of them have also been asked to remove their turbans which they wear for religious reasons. The App has been released for both the iPhone and Android phones. The app has been released with clearance from the Department of Homeland Security and Transportation Security Administration, both were notified of the app before its launch. The agencies agreed to allow the app to use the agencies' system for submitting complaints.

TSA in response to the app have said that they do not profile passengers based on race, ethnicity or religion and are constantly working with various communities, including the Sikh Coalition to help them understand unique passenger needs. 

FlyRights: How does it work

Once you download the app on your smartphone it is ready to use. after completing screening at an airport you than then launch the app if you want to complain. Tap the app to launch and then tap the 'Report' button if you want to make a complaint. The app will automatically fill in your name. phone number and email address. The app will then ask a few questions like race and name of airport, basis for the complaint, like religion or gender. Once you done it then has two buttons to submit your complaint and share for you to make known your complaint using social media. The app also contains right of passengers and TSA guidelines. The app is being advocated as a real-time airport discrimination complaint app.

The TSA does have a complaint site which can be found here

Source: AJC.com

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