

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Google+: How to customize your Hovercard, Name Card or Business Card

Google+ has been growing and is on track to reach 400 million by the end of this year. With such massive numbers you can make the most of it by using something that is known as a hovercard. It works something like a name card of a business card for your Google+ profile.

What is a Hovercard
When you are going through all your Google+ post on your page and you hover over someone's name. A small pop-up appears with a photo of that person and a tag line. If you have more than one photo uploaded then all those photos will show. The tag line is something people get to read and know more about you when they find either your posts or find your profile on Google+. You can also creatively edit your photos and your cover photo to create an amazing visual display.

How to edit your Hovercard
1. Login to Google+
2. Click on Profile
3. Click on Edit profile
4. Beside 'Works At' click Edit
5. In the Employer name bar fill in your tag line. (Some people have just the name of the employer while other have a brief description. This is because they filled in more content into that field. You can fill in as more than  just your employer's name)
6. Check the box beside current
7. Click on finish editing
8. You're done

You might have to log-out and login in again for it to show up. This works with the new Google+ design

Now even when people search for you your current employer will be shown below your name. if you have added a description then this will be shown. 

Here is a small video if you want the visuals. 

An original post by


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