

Thursday, April 26, 2012

How to download free Antivirus Software from Facebook

Facebook have announced something called the Antivirus marketplace or A V Marketplace, brought to you by the Facebook security team. Facebook have tied up with key Antivirus partners - McAfee, Microsoft Security Essentials, Norton AntiVirus, Sophos Anti-Virus for Mac Home Edition and Trend Micro internet security for PCs and Macs. They hope to bring greater security to Facebook's over 900 million users. These Antivirus software can be downloaded to use free or 6 months or a year depending on what security system you choose to download. Facebook have said that one of the key trade-offs from this entire deal is the sharing of blacklisted URLs between the security partners and themselves. What this means is that - millions of links are being shared on Facebook everyday. Many of these links are actually malicious and are from spammers who are out to get you. There are 1000's of scams being launched constantly on Facebook everyday with hackers and spammers trying to rob and steal your personal information, like your credit card number etc. Facebook already has a list of Blacklisted URLs, now with this deal Antivirus partners and Facebook will share their lists and compile one big list which will be used to warn and protect Facebook users. So if you are about to click on a link that is nothing but Malware (computer viruses, worms, trojan horses, spyware and adware) Facebook can now better protect you.

How to access and download free Sofrware from Facebook
1. Click on this link after logging into Facebook and decide free Antivirus protection for your PC or MAC. 
2. Choose the program that beast suits your needs
3. Follow instructions to install on your PC or MAC
4. You're done.

Please let us know what you feel about this move by Facebook and how do you think this if going to help Facebook users.
Free Antivirus software from Facebook
Read the announcement by Facebook here and here.  

An original post by


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