

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Titanic II to be built by Clive Palmer [Twitter Trends]

Image Credit: ieatwords

There is an interesting trending topic on Twitter today and it's called 'Titanic II'. The topic started trending after news broke that self-made Aussie mining billionaire Clive Palmer said the he has commissioned state-owned Chinese company CSC Jinling Shipyard to build the  Titanic II with the same dimensions as its predecessor. Once ready the ship will make its first voyage from England to New York in 2016.  Palmer has also said that Titanic 2 will be every bit as luxurious as the original but with the added benefits of state-of-the-art technology and modern navigation systems. With the Centenary anniversary coming up for the RMS Titanic there seems to be a flurry of activity to remember the doomed ship. There is also a TV episode set to air to bring newer insights and stories that might not have been heard till now. 

Mr Palmer also says that hits effort is a way to pay tribute to the spirit of the men and women who built the original ship. He also added one more bit of information that rings a bell with most people, when asked if it could sink; he said off course it would sink if you put a hole in it. But added that it was going to be designed so that it won't sink. Well that's what was said about the original ship too. The new ship will be 270 metres long (885 feet), 53 metres high and weighing some 40,000 tonnes - staying true to the specifications of the original Titanic. So what do you think will be the fate of the Titanic II - please let us know in the comments section below.
Source: SMH.com.au and GulfNews

An original post by


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