

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Tools to measure your Pinterest influence (Pinfluence)

Now that you are on Pinterest and you have been creating boards and adding pins it's time to measure how popular your boards and pins have become. How many followers have you got, how many 'Likes' and how many repins. Put all of this into an analytics dashboard and you can view a comprehensive chat detailing how influential you have becomes and how much clout you wield on  Pinterest. There are a couple of webapps that provide analytics based on your activity and those of people who follow you and those who repin your pins on Pinterest. Some of these webapps are still in beta and you will need to sign-up for an early invitation.

1. PinReach
This webapp will help you gauge your success as a pinner on Pinterest by providing you with your Pinterest  influence and analytics. It will also give you an overall score and show the performance of your pins on chats with an overall score. You cna also view trending pins and this will help you analyze what people are doing right. 

2. Pinpuff
This webapp is a tool for pinfluences and businesses. If you are a business on Pinterest then you might want to know how well all your investment in Pinterest is doing Pinpuff will help you do just that. it also helps you calculate the monetary value of your pins. 

3. Pinerly
This webapps helps you do a few things - it can help you find people who share the same interests as you and then follow them. You can also unfollow pinners who are no more following you. Find out other popular boards and pinners on Pinterest and learn from them. Helps you schedule your pins so your followers are not overwhelmed by your mass pinning. View your stats and find out what you're doing right or wrong.

So whether you're a business or an individual and want to calculate your influence on Pinterest or how much your business is benefiting from your investment in Pinterest the above tools will help you do just that. Will also help you calculate your Pinterest ROI.

An original post by


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