

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Yahoo Social Reader for Facebook and how to Bypass or Disable

Yahoo Social Reader has become extremely popular on Facebook and for good reason. You find all the articles your friends read on your news feed and you want to read them too. But do you want all your friends to know about all the articles you read. Some articles might have suggestive titles that might caste you in a different light among your friends. So if you wondering how to bypass or disable Yahoo Social Reader and continue with your reading without letting your friends know all about your reading habits. Follow the instructions below to adjust your yahoo Social Reader Privacy settings. The problem arises when the app keeps posting to your news feed and Timeline and even if you read something on the Yahoo News website it gets posted to your news feed and Timeline on Facebook.

There are a couple of ways to ensure the articles you read on Yahoo News is visible only to you.
1. When you click on an article to read, you find a pop-up.
2. Below the question ' Who can see posts this app makes for you on your Facebook timeline" Choose the options from the drop-down menu. Here you can choose 'only me'. This will ensure that you can read all articles and it will only be visible to you when you go to your Activity Log.
3. Click on Ok, Read Article
4. You're done

If you have already installed the Yahoo Social Reader app and want to adjust the privicy settings for the same here is what you need to do.
1. Login to Facebook
2. Beside the down-arrow and choose privacy settings
3. Beside Apps and Websites click on Edit settings
4. Beside Apps you use click on Edit settings
5. Beside Yahoo click on Edit
6. You can now either click the (X) beside posts on your behalf or beside Who can see posts this app makes for you on your Facebook timeline? you can choose 'Only Me'
7. Choose the option that best suits you and you're done.

If you want to remove the yahoo Social Reader App Completely click on the link 'Remove App'.

How to turn off Yahoo Social on Yahoo News www.news.yahoo.com
Now if you have logged in to Facebook and are reading articles on Yahoo news. There is a new Social Space on Yahoo News that shows you activity with a profile picture and pictures of your friends with links to the articles or videos they might have watched. If you are not interested in this Yahoo Social Option you can always turn it off or on whenever you want. By default if you are using the Yahoo Social Reader App on Facebook, activity from the App shows up here and so when any of your friends login to Yahoo News they can see what you have been reading or videos you have been watching. 

To turn Yahoo Social off you would need to
1. Visit news.yahoo.com when logged in to Facebook
2. On the top right-hand corner you will find a profile picture of yours with a couple of options.
3. beside Social there will be a gree light to indicate that Yahoo News Social is on, click on it to turn it off. The light should then turn to red.
4. You're done.

Please leave a comment below with what you think about this and what are your thoughts on the same. 

An original post by


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