

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

11 Top Celebs to Follow - trending now on Twitter

11 Top Celebs to Follow - trending now on the top of Twitter worldwide trends. You might be wondering how this trend came to be. The answer is very simple, this is a repeat of what happened yesterday. Mashable the popular social media blog had a post out '10 Facebook tips for power users', this got a lot of Tweets on Twitter but users just changed it to what they think are the top 10 Facebook tips to keep in kind. Today there is another post out by Amy-Mae Elliott from Mashable and the title of the article is 11 Top Celebs to Follow on Viddy. This title has been taken by users on Twitter and they have converted it to their own version. The Twitter version is '11 top Celebs to Follow' and users are having fun with the title. Including offering up some of their favouriute Twitter celebrities that they think should be followed on Twitter. 

This being Twitter you can only expect that many of the users are saying that the celebs to be followed are Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga. Follow them and you won't need to follow anyone else. Other users are just offering up people who they like and telling others to follow them. So let us know in the comments section below if you have a favorite celeb you follow on Twitter or Viddy. This has turned right around from being a post about famous people on Viddy to celebs to follow on Twitter.

An original post by


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