

Monday, May 28, 2012

Bump: Easily transfer photos from mobile to PC by bumping them together

There is nothing misleading in the title, if you are new to the new App Bump; that is exactly what happens. You can use the App available for both iOS and Android to easily transfer photos between devices by bumping them together. Now the app has gotten even better, once you add selected photos you want to transfer to your PC. Bump you phone to your PC, hit the spacebar to conform and then like magic your photos get transferred, no headache whatsoever. 

Bump: How does it work
If you are new to Bump, it is an app that lets you share files, photos, contacts and apps between devices easily by bumping them together. The app uses your Geolocation to make sure that your bumps work perfectly and it is best to let Bump use the Geolocation of your browser to ensure there are no mistakes in transferring files. So to transfer photos to your PC you would need to bump your spacebar with your phone. If you worried that it is too fragile and cannot deal with a bump. Simple hold it down and bump your phone anywhere on your PC, to let the magic begin. Once you bump them together your photos will download to the Bump web interface and from there you can drag them to your desktop, batch download them or get a link to share them on Facebook. 

Bump also works like a social network, you can your friends can share photos and files, find other friends who are also using Bump, share and connect using LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter. Available for iPhone , iPad and Android Phones. 

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