

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Evinar lets you setup a live show on your Facebook page and make money form the event

So you have a Facebook page and with Evinar things just got better, this Facebook App can install on your page and let you conduct your live event. Whatever type of event you want to do - music, talk, motivational speech all this with live chat to keep your audience engaged. There are also tools to help you publish your live event on Facebook and Twitter. This is good if you are an artist, musician, live performer or graphic designer. 

Evian: How does it work
You will need to go to Evian and then login with Facebook. Then choose the Facebook page you want to use once logged-in to Evian. Choose a Tab name like 'Live Event' and then click next. Next add an image for your live event and click on live event. Next add things like the price of your ticket and the time of your show. You event is now ready to be launched and you get a pop-up that let's you share your event on Facebook and Twitter while your event gets posted on your Facebook page. Please can then start liking your event. You can also include the option to like the page before they can view your live show. 

How to delete an event or live show that you setup
Go to your Evinar dashboard click on the thumbnail and then the thrash can icon to delete or cancel a show. 

It is that simply to setup and event on your Facebook page using this app. So if you're ready to go for it and take center stage you can experiment and play around a bit to have some fun and get started. Please let us know in the comments section below what you think this will be useful and will many people use this web app on Facebook to launch their careers maybe?

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