

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Facebook App Center

Image Credit: Facebook

Aaron Brady from the Facebook team has just made the announcement that Facebook will be getting an App store. Developers are free to list their apps in the store which can be either paid or free. The apps that make it to the Facebook App Store can be rated by users and the most popular apps will stay on top and receive prominent treatment. With over 901 million users and the looming IPO this is one step Facebook has taken in the right direction. Users will be able to find their favorite apps now on Facebook and if it requires installation and download this can be done at the Apple App store or Google Play.

The Facebook App Store will be called the App Center and will be available in the coming few weeks. Popular apps like Draw SomethingPinterestSpotifyBattle PiratesViddy, and Bubble Witch Saga will all now be available with a Facebook login. Each app will have an app detail page which lets people see what is unique about the app before deciding to download it. 

For App builders there will be a number of quality matrices implemented to make sure quality is maintained. There parameters will then be available to app builders to see how users rate their apps. If a mobile app is built and requires download users will be sent to Apple's App Store or the Google Play store to install the app. To see growth in App Center apps will need to have a Facebook login. 

How to get started creating an app for the Facebook App Store

App builders and developers will need to create an app detail page. This page is required for an app to be listed in the app center. Since the app center is going to be the destination when a users searches for apps on Facebook. To get started creating your Facebook App you can go here. if you would like to offer a paid app on the Facebook App Center you will need to go here to get started. To view App Center guidelines you can go here

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