

Monday, May 14, 2012

Facebook CEO Mark Zukerberg turns 28 with a probable IPO Birthday gift of a $100B

Mark Zukerberg the now famous founder and CEO of Facebook turns 28. The same week Facebook will start selling stock to the public. Famous now for his hoodie, jeans and sneakers, he has proved beyond doubt that he is quiet capable of leading a company that might be valued at $100B. Quiet a large number for someone who is so young. At now even half the age of other CEO's of fortune 500 companies. Facebook was started in his doom room at Harvard in 2004 when it was still known as TheFacebook.com. Times have changed for the CEO who has now met world-leaders, has led his company through many controversies in many countries. Has ensured that every big brand has a Facebook page and helped launched many small companies. He is of late become famous for wearing a hoodie when going to meet bankers. Standing true to the traditions of the techie geek that he is and represents. Where in silicon valley writing good code is more valued than how you dress.

Once Facebook goes public maybe things might start to change for him. The hoodie might go and a tie might be dawned. Becoming a billionaire at such a young age has also meant a Hollywood movie has been dedicated to him - The Social Network. It is a well-know fact that he idealized Steve Jobs. When Steve used to speak to his biographer, he used to say that he was very impressed by mark Zukerberg for not selling out and keeping Facebook. He is also known to have said that there is no other social network out there. It is only Facebook and they have got it all. So whether you like him or not you got to admit Mark Zukerberg is a very powerful and insightful leader. He was born on May 14, 1984. 

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