

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Google+ Local: How does it work

If you login to Google+ you're going to see a new tab on the left hand column. It is called Local and the icon is of a person and a map pointer. Google Local now integrates Zegat ratings, from the site that used to charge $25 annually for access to its diners ratings of restaurants from across the globe. Google+ Local now has these ratings available for free when you search for places located close to you. Once you find a place and want to review it you can do so by using the 'Write a review' icon. Your ratings are then also available in Zegat reviews. So posting to Google + Local will also show up in Zegat. Both the services are now tied together after Google bought Zegat for in Sep 2011 with reports saying that Google paid 150 million dollars. Google is now expected to build a powerful competitor against yelp.com - which refused a 500 million buy out from Google. 

Google+ Local: How does it work

Once you click on Google+ local you get two bars one to enter the service you want to find and the other for the city you want to find it in. Once you enter a search term you get to see if any of your contacts from within your circles have reviewed any of these places and services. You can then write a review and to do this click on the pencil icon. You then get a pop-up with the Zegat 30 point rating system. To rate and review, if the default labels are not related to your review you can change the labels by clicking on wrong labels. This can happen when you want to review a park for restaurant labels appear. Once you write a review your review is posted under your name and no alias is allowed. This review will also get cross posted to Zegat. You can also find reviews from top reviewers or people from your circles. 

If you're wondering what the 30 point rating system of Zegat is:

26 - 30Extraordinary to Perfection
21 - 25Very Good to Excellent
16 - 20Good to Very Good
11 - 15Fair to Good
0 - 10Poor to Fair

Google+ Local for mobile available here
Learn more about Google+ local here
With Google+ local you can share photos from your favorite places, write and share reviews of the places you like to eat at, stay at, play at, dance at or have fun at. 
Google+ is a simple and easy way for you to find great restaurants and places in your city. Also lets you research cities you might be visiting and find great places and services there too. Please let us know your thoughts in the comments section below. 

An original post by


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