

Saturday, May 19, 2012

How to upload videos to YouTube

YouTube the most popular video sharing site on the internet has now made it even more easier to upload videos. There are many reasons why you might want to upload videos to YouTube. You can share videos with your friends, create the next viral video hit on the internet. most important of all many people upload videos to YouTube to earn money. If you videos are popular YouTube will invite you to share in the revenue generated from your videos. If you allow ads to be displayed. There are three ways to upload videos to YouTube 1. Upload form your computer.2. Record from webcam 3. drag and drop

How to upload videos to YouTube
1. Login to YouTube. (You will need an account, a Google account will do)
2. Click on upload videos. Link found beside the search bar, top right-hand corner.
3. You can now use the 'Select files form your computer' link, or record from webcam or simply drag and drop a video anywhere on this page to start an upload.
4. While your video is being uploaded you will need to fill in the title of the video, description, tags, category, licence and rights ownership.

Advanced Settings:
This will allow you to decide whether you want comments to be allowed on your video. Syndication - this option lets you choose if you want your video to be made available on mobile devices and TV. Use this option to turn it off if you do not want this to happen. This is because if you do not want television channels to use your video this option needs to be turned off. Choose if people can embed your video on their websites and blogs. You can also decide if this video needs to be available in 3D. 

Once your done click on 'Save Settings" and you're done. Check out the video tutorial below.

Video: How to upload videos to YouTube



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