

Monday, May 21, 2012

My Last Wish the Death Based Social Network

Along came a spider - well not literally but started with that line to set the tone. Talking about death and your last wish can be very enlightening for some people. Although other blogs and websites have written about the creepiness about this new social network, we do not think this is so. With all the hype being built into social media and social networking sites. People constantly complain about the need for more serious stuff to be shared online. Well, here you have it, especially if you are one of those people who always want to talk serious stuff this might be a nice getaway for people to discuss the actual reality of life. Maybe inspiring some to go for a dream they might have had their whole life but never had the guts to just do it. Death always brings with it a shock and shakes people a little. It is also the one thing that can truly inspire. Steve Jobs now famous quote from the 2005 Stanford Commencement Address where he says that every morning he looks in the mirror and asks himself, 'If today was the last day of my life, would i wanna do what I am about to do today?. Perspective - something we cannot live without.

My Last Wish: How does it work. 

You download the iOS app for your iPhone, iPod or iTouch and then you need to register. Once you register you will be known as a 'Fellow Wisher' and you can then update your last wish. Other user who join are also know as 'Fellow Wishers' and you get an update of all new fellow wishers who join and what their last wish is. Once you find someone whose last wish is as the same as yours. you can then get connected with them and stay in touch with them. So you get to make friends with people who have similar last wishes as yours. Fellow Wishers can share multiple last wishes.

There is a palm icon (Five) is you like the person's last wish you cna click on this and it gets added to your 'aLike Wishes'. So once you give a person a five it is like saying 'hey, we have the same last wish, lets be friends'. You can then communicate via phone or email. My aLikes shows all your wishes that are marked as  a like.

So this is a brief about how this social network works, will you join and use this social network or is it a bit too serious for you. Please let us know in the comments section below.
My Last Wish for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

An original post by


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