

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

'Ghost Town' being built in the US to test New Technologies

High Tech Ghost Town new Hobbs N.M - Photo Credit: The Blaze

A new high tech city is coming up near the town of Hobbs in Lea County, New Mexico. New mexico and this will resemble a ghost town. This town will have everything that you see in normal towns. There will be streets and houses and everything else, that is except people. It will be built along the lines of Disney World where everything happens underground, including the plumbing. Above ground will be the play area where new technologies and ideas will be tested. Some of these technology marvels that will be tested will be driverless cars and trucks. Self-flushing toilets, smart grids and next gen wireless technology. This is because testing tech like driverless cars and trucks could endanger human life in a real world situation.

Tech company Pegasus Global Holdings is behind the project. The reason behind why the company choose New Mexico. is because of the amount of undeveloped land available and its proximity to two Department of Energy labs. Hobbs and Lea County had beat out a second finalist, Las Cruces, for the new $1 billion research center. The project is expected to create 350 jobs and about 3,500 indirect jobs related to its design, development and construction phases.Plans are to break ground on June 30, 2012. New Mexico is also famous for the town of Roswell - known for its UFO sightings and alien themed attractions. So what are your thoughts on this new town, please leave a comment below.
Source: Benzinga

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