

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Twitter to send A weekly digest of Stories & Tweets from my network

Image Credit: Twitter

Twitter made an announcement on May 14, 2012 to let all users know that a weekly digest will be sent out - this digest will contain a weekly gist of all popular activity of folks connected to you. So this email will have all the popular stories of people who you are following. Twitter also says that this mail will contain all the most relevant stories and tweets from people connected to you. These stories will not come to you looking like a standard mail. They have a format similar to Discover tab.

So once you get an email and open it. All stories will be in the format of the Discover tab. Which means- beneath summaries you will find who shared each story, helping you decide which stories you might actually be interested in. Clicking on any headline will help you read the entire story and see related Tweets. You can then add your own Tweet and send the tweet directly from your email. The stories you see will be from the stories your followers were most engaged in even if you don't follow the originator of the story, i.e the user from who the tweet originated from. You can also see who from your network either Retweeted or Favorited tweets and you can do the same. 

Thanks, but I would rather now receive this email.
You can go to your settings and email preference and choose not to receive this email by clicking here. Once in your notification settings you can then uncheck the box beside - A weekly digest of Stories & Tweets from my network.

The upside about this email is that if you have been busy and have not been able to catch up with your Tweeps. This weekly digest will help you do just that. It is also a nice way to see who among your contacts has been most social engaged on Twitter and also what stories your group of people have been most interested in during the week. It will help you stay on top of things if this is something you are interested in doing. Please let us know what you think about this new feature in the comments section below.
Source: Twitter Blog

An original post by


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