

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Airtime Privacy Options how to adjust on Facebook

Airtime has just launched and looks like it will it all set to become the darling of the internet. We have a complete guide to Airtime which can be found here. Once you start using the service you can login to Facebook to adjust your privacy settings. Airtime to work properly needs access to your Facebook info like your likes and interest, news feed, friends and other info. if you decide you do not want this App to have access to your info you can login to Facebook to revoke access to your info and friends info. 

How to adjust Airtime privacy settings on Facebook.

1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on the down-arrow beside your home button
3. Privacy settings
4. Choose 'Edit' beside Ads, Apps and Websites.
5. Click on Edit Settings again and then click on Airtime
6. Click the (x) mark beside Access your friends' contact information if you do not want the app to have access to your friends on Facebook. Choosing this option will mean you cannot video-chat with your FB Pals.
7. Click the (x) mark beside Access posts in your News Feed - this will stop the app from access to your news feeds and posts.
8. Click the (x) mark beside Access Facebook Chat - you will no more have your FB chat in Airtime.
9. Click the (x) mark beside Post on your behalf - will stop Airtime from posting to your Timeline
10. Beside Posts on your behalf: - choose only me this way whatever the apps posts to your Timeline and news feed is available only for you to see. You do not want to be surprised by seeing something the app posted without you knowing. 
11. Beside 'Notifications' you can choose 'Never' to never receive notifications from Airtime.
!2. if you do not want to use Airtime anymore simply click on 'Remove App' found on the top right-hand corner and this will revoke all permission and remove the App from your Facebook.

If you want to have a better chat experience however you will need to give Airtime all permissions since the app needs all your info to make better matches. 

An original post by


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