

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Facebook for WordPress plugin now available

Facebook has a new plugin for WordPress. It seems Facebook engineers are not leaving any stone unturned and since WordPress powers 16.6 percent of the web it makes sense that Facebook has just made it a lot easier, for WordPress bloggers to integrate a complete solution plugin for WordPress. This new social integration feature available for WordPress have already made Blogger's blogspot users to ask why something like this has not been released for Blogger. The new social plugin allows for easy integration of social publishing and mentions. There is no coding required and works on mobile and also supports internationalization.available

Facebook for WordPress plugin: How it works for Social Publishing
Once you install the plugin you can then cross-post content published to your WordPress blog to your Facebook Timeline and all the Facebook pages that you manage. In addition you can also mention all the pages as friends on Facebook, which allows for further and deeper distribution of your content.

WordPress Widgets that are available:
1. Activity Feed - Shows readers their friends' activity on your site or blog
2. Recommendations Bar - suggest content to users and allow them to post it to their Timeline as they read.
3. Customizable buttons for like subscribe and send
4. Comments Box - let users use this Facebook comments box to add comments on your site or blog. it also comes with automatic support for SEO

Starting today WordPress users get easy integration with the Facebook for WordPress plugin. So if you are  a users with a full-time WordPress blog or site or a newbie starting of, this will be easy to install and run. 
Source: Facebook Blog - you can also download the plugin here or learn how to install it here

An original post by


1 comment:

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