

Saturday, June 30, 2012

Google+ Events: How does it work

Google+ now has an all new feature called Events. This is something that users on Facebook have enjoyed for quiet sometime. Google+ now brings the ability to create an event and invite your circles and friends to your events. When creating an event on Google+ you can share photo instantly with everyone using the party mode. Once the event is over everyone's photo will be on the event page. So all attendees and those who missed the fun can view all the pics and check out the fun you and your buddies had. The whole process of creating a Google+ event is quiet simple and all you need to do to get started is to login to Google+ and click the Events Tab.

Google+ Events - How to create an event
1. Login to Google+
2. Click on events
3. Select 'Create an event'
4. Enter a Title for your event
5. Set the time
6. Click on event options for the following - a. guests can invite other people b. guests can ad photos c. Advanced Options will allow Event on a Google+ hangout or Event on Air. Additional Fields include - website URl, Ticket Seller URl or YouTube URL.
7. Invite names, circles or invite people via their email addresses.
8. Click Invite and you're done.

This is a fantastic way to invite people to your events and it is not restricted to Google+ alone. You can also invite people who have not yet joined Google+. The speed and easy with which an event can be created is simply awesome and you can create an online event by using Hangouts

Video with first look of Google+ Events

An original post by


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