

Friday, June 8, 2012

LinkedIn: How to change your password

By now you must be aware that LinkedIn was hacked with the hacker leaking over 6.5 million passwords on a cyber crime forum. In addition to this users are now getting mails from phishers who are asking users to reset their passwords. This is a scam and the mail is not even coming from a LinkedIn mail ID. Scammers are tying to steel passwords by sending mails disguised as though being sent from LinkedIn and asking uses to click a link and change their passwords. Clicking on the link is taking users to scamming and phishing sites who are again trying to rob vital info from users. One of the best things to do right now in case you don't know if your password has been stolen and leaked online is to login to LinkedIn and change it right now. eHarmony has also been compromised and users will be far safer if they change their passwords.

How to change your password on LinkedIn
1. login to Linkedin
2. Hover over your name found above search bar and choose settings
3. beside password click on change
4. Enter the old password followed by the new password entered twice
5. Save settings and you're done.

The reason we are not recommending any apps to do this is because it is sometimes safer to take control of your passwords. When creating a password always use a combination of Alpha, numeric and special characters. This makes it harder to break, it is also not unwise to store your password offline like on a piece of paper in your desk. This is old fashioned and really old school but has worked for many people. This way you can also create a long and complicated password. 

An original post by


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