

Monday, July 9, 2012

Google +1 button to get Recommendations - Helps visitors to your site or blog discover more

Here's another reason to get the Google +1 button on your website or blog. Google has been busy working on the usefulness of this button and in the coming weeks. The button is going to get a feature that is simply awesome as well as useful. When visitors hover over the +1 button they will see recommendations for other useful content from your website or blog.  Thus leading to more engagement and content discovery. +1'ing is becoming a fun way to recommend stuff on he internet and let your friends in on what you think is hot. Also all content recommended will be from your domain or subdomains the +1 button is located on. Recommendations are very popular on blogs and every person who owns a blog knows that this is one feature that helps you retain visitors and get them to read more and discover more. If your site or blog already has the +1 button there is nothing you need to do to get this added feature. It will be updated automatically across the web in the next few coming weeks. 
Source: Google+ Developers Blog

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