

Friday, July 13, 2012

How to move your connections and circles to another Google+ account

You might be having multiple Google+ account - with one of them being your preferred account. Google+ now offers its users the ability to transfer circles and connections from one source account to a destination account. This is especially useful for users who have more than one Google account that they use. With the ability to transfer all your circles and connections to one particular account. You then need to only update one account with your status updates and not multiple accounts. With this functionality your contacts and followers once transferred will be merged. So if the contact already exists in the destination account the contact will simple be merged with no headache of multiple accounts for the same person.

There are however a few key notes to be considered. You will have a 7 day waiting period from the time you request a transfer. Once you use this service with these accounts you will not be able to do so again for the next 6 months. Once the transfer begins it cannot be undone, you can cancel however during the 7 day waiting period.

How to transfer circles and connnections to another Google+ account

1. Sign-in to your Google+ account
2. Click on this link https://www.google.com/takeout.
3. Under Circles click on 'Transfer your Google+ connections to another account' to start the migration.

You can read more about this at Ronald ho, Google+ account and find a longer more detailed how-to at the Google Support Page. Please let us know what you think about this new feature in the comments section below. 

An original post by


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