

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Michelle Obama joins Pinterest, pins photos of Family, White House, Memories and Recipe Ideas

Image Credit. Michelle Obama

Michelle Obama joined popular image-sharing site Pinterest. The site being especially popular among woman has helped the President's wife amass over 35,000 followers. She is also following 7 people one of whom is a page called 'Barak Obama'. The page description says 'This page is run by Obama for America, President Obama's 2012 campaign'. The first lady has 4 boards titled 'Recipe Ideas, Around the White House, great memories and family. Among the recipe ideas is a picture from her daughter's godmother - which is a repin from Presidential Cookie Bake-off on Facebook. There are also three other recipes for salads. The Pinboard 'Around the White House' has about 7 pins with some interesting pictures taken at the White House with the First Lady going about her duties. The board great memories have a picture of the Obama's 20 years ago and a picture of their wedding day. There is also a nice family portrait. The board family has most of what you would expect - some really nice family pics of President Obama his wife and their two girls.
Michelle Obama on Pinterest

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