

Friday, July 13, 2012

Twitter HQ flashmob (Official video)

Twitter did something and also gave it a philosophical annotation 'If you can't Bieb them, join them' - Abraham Lincoln. Well the story about this flashmob is this. Twitter called all of its employees for a hackweek project on July 12th. When employees were in the cafeteria Justin Bieber's song 'baby' is heard over the speakers. A male Twitter employee jumps up on the table to begin his routine and is soon followed by the mob. This flashmod also has a hashtag #flockmob you can also find people speaking about it on Twitter using the hashtag #hackweek. justin Bieber is set to cross 25 million fans in maybe a day and will become the second most followed person on Twitter, only behind Lady Gaga who has 27 million followers. So check the video out below and also let us now your favorite flashmob video on YouTube. 

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