

Monday, August 27, 2012

How to add a mustache to your images using Facetache

An image created using Facetache
Image Credit: FaceTache

Facetache is a web app available online that is simple and easy to use, it exists for one thing only - adding a mustache to your images and photos online. A site like this can give you hours of fun as you try on various mustaches on your photos. There are loads to choose from and each can be resized to fit the face of the image. All you need to do to get started is to upload the image you want to use. Drag-and-drop the mustache you want to use on the face. Clicking on the mustache will let you resize it and rotate it either left or right, until it becomes a perfect fit. 

The App derives its name from Face + Mustache and lets you create all the funny images you want. Once you done with your image you can save it to your PC or other device - clear your canvas and start over again. All very straightforward with no hassle. So go ahead and create your funny images and let us now what you think of this app in the comments section below.
FaceTache - To add a mustache to your image online. 

An original post by


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