Loveit at first glance looks a lot like Pinterest. Almost like a replica and doing almost the same thing with a few key differences. Loveit has private collections that you can share only with friends and families. Which means if you want to work on a private collection for business, you can use Loveit to do just that. The content importer toll also has an algorithm to correctly identify the pictures original source. So if you run a website or blog that has a lot of pictures that people would like to share, the originial source content is identified and credited. The rest of it is just like Pinterest and therefore loads of fun for people who like to share and find beautiful pictures and images on the internet. Loveit also has the ability to import all your Pinterest pins and boards with just a few steps. This post will detail these steps to help you have all your great content on both the sites.

How to import, move or bring all your Pinterest pins and Boards to LoveIt.
1. Log in to LoveIt
2. Login to Pinterest
3. On Pinterest click on the arrow beside you name and either choose pins or boards. You are now on the page tah contains all your pins or boards.
4. Now click on the Loveit button in your borswer bar.
5. A message is displayed - We notice that you are on your Pinterest profile. Would you like to import your images to LoveIt?
6. You can now choose to import all your collection or just a few.
7. Confirm 'Import' and you're done.
All pins and boards are imported as-is and nothing is changed. Your collections still remain on Pinterest. You can now reorganize your collections on Loveit and make some or all of them private.
LoveIt - check it out now.
Visuals in the video below
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