

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

What is single-use code in Outlook.com?

Outlook.com single-use sign in code

Outlook.com has been launched by Microsoft with a view to convert all email services by the company into one place only. So your Live.com and Hotmail email addresses will be converted into the new outlook.com email service. You can lean more about it here as we have already written about it. The new account is being called 'Microsoft Account', so when you sign-up for an Outlook.com email ID it will be called your Microsoft Account. Once you get your new Outlook.com email ID you have an added feature that comes along. The ability to use single-use code.

What is Single-use code?
Single-use code is the ability to sing-in to your Microsoft account with a piece of code rather than your password. You might be wondering what is the good - consider you're travelling and need to use a public computer like in an airport or library. You can request for a single-use code which will be delivered to your phone. You can use that code to log-in and it expires after a single use.

How to request a single-use code?
1. Go to Outlook.com and click on sign in with single-use code
2. You will need to enter your mobile number from the link that opens. You can also choose to use the mobile number already associated with your account.
3. Your single-use code arrives via sms

Note: Each code can be used only once. There are also only a certain number of times you can request a code each day. SMS delivery subject to network speed. This application is intended to be used better help protect your Microsoft Account and your privacy.

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