

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

How to convert Wikipedia Articles into eBooks

Wikipedia articles in eBook format
Wikipedia articles converted into eBook format

You can access Wikipedia on your SmartPhone, Tablet or other device. However it must be said that reading articles in an eBook format is best suited for the eyes and ease of reading. The most popular eBook publishing format is the EPUB format, fondly know as EPUBs. The format that is best suited for reading offline on your SmartPhone, eBook reader or tablet. Once you create your book you can also share it. Especially good if you have a weak internet connection and live in a place where Wikipedia is hard to access. You can also download your book in PDF. Using this feature you can compile a list of articles, combine it into a book; give it a name and download it to be read later at a more leisurely time. Your own custom e-book.

How to create custom eBooks from Wikipedia 
1. Activate this link to get started. This will open Wikipedia with eBook creator enabled. 
2. Continue browsing Wikipedia as you would normally do.
3. when you find a page or article you would like to add to your book. Click the 'Add this page to your book' link. 
4. Click on show book will reveal your book and you can add a Title and Subtitle.
5. Your eBook is ready to be downloaded using the link on the right-hand side. Click Download and then you can download the book in PDF, OpenDocument, OpenZIM or EPUB format.

Check the video below if you would like the visuals. EPUB is the best format for your eReaders, SmartPhones and tablets. 

Source: Wikimedia

An original post by


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