

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Facebook Data Use Policy: Information received about you

Amid all the controversy about what Facebook does with your data and the Facebook Data Use Policy they follow. Facebook have released a page for you to read more about the information Facebook receives about you. It is written in simple English and mostly devoid of technical jargon. The post explains first the information it receives about you -- detailing the info received when you signup. Facebook then explains information received about you when others share stuff. This is when you friends share status updates and photos and you're tagged in it. This information is also received by FB. There is also other information Facebook receives about you -- like when you search fb, view a friends' Timeline and when you generally interact and view things on the site.

Facebook Data Use PolicyIt goes on to detail the types of information received about you, like when you interact with mobile devices. When not just you uses the PC to login to Facebook. The list is endless. Whenever you play or visit a game, use another platform on fb, Info is also received from their party vendors like Advertisers.

How does Facebook use all the information it receives.
According to their document, fb users all this information to hand you location based services, making the site more secure and target services that might appeal to you. All data says Facebook is stored for as long as is necessary to make Facebook useful to you. Facebook also reserves the right to collect such data and use it to enhance your experience. It is good to read through and see for yourself the kind of data that is collected by Facebook and how it is put to use. You can also check to see if this is actually something you find fair use or is it something you disagree with. You can read the entire document and please leave a comment with what you think about this move by Facebook.

Read more at the Facebook Data use Policy Page

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