

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Gmail New Compose: How does it work

Gmail was first launched in 2004 -- 8 years ago. But it is only in 2012 that Gmail surpassed Hotmail as the most popular email service provider. eMail as such is very sticky and people take a long time to change from one service provider to another. However long it took it is finally time to congratulate the folks over at Google for this tremendous feet. In addition to becoming the largest eMail service provider. Google's Gmail now has an all new compose experience (Compose Gmail in a new window) -- which focuses more on the message you need to send rather than other decorations hanging around. The whole thing looks like an empty box (think notepad) with the ability to quickly compose and send multiple emails all at once. Something that has not been available till now in Gmail. With the old compose you can compose only one message at a time. With the new compose in Gmail -- you can write multiple emails to multiple people all at the same time.

gmail compose in new windowIf you would like to know how to you the new compose -- Google has a simple and clear guide which you can check out here. If you would like to see the new Gmail email compose system in work please check out the video below.

Source: Google Blog


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