

Friday, December 21, 2012

Cloud Computing jobs are ready but professionals are not

No the title does not read wrong, this according to a latest study by Microsoft. There are a lot of Cloud technology and cloud computing jobs available in the market both in the US and Globally but there aren't works who are trained and ready. In fact Globally the talent hunt fares better than in the US and people trained in cloud technology and cloud computing are to be found more in number outside the US. New jobs are ready and have been created but IT personal have not upgraded their training. So although a whole host of jobs were available in the US the positions went unfulfilled. in fact the need for cloud-ready workers will grown by 26% annually and about 7 million new cloud jobs to be available by 2015 - globally.

Cloud Computing jobs ready but workers are not.Some examples of cloud related jobs are Help desk and end-user support, IT systems and operations, Application development and maintenance and Project and program managers. This IDC report has been sponsored by Microsoft and Microsoft have now improved their certifications to enable cloud-readiness. There is the new Microsoft certification's home for the Cloud -- which include certifications the the upcoming Windows 8. There is also the new Microsoft Virtual Academy to enable students to get ready for cloud related jobs and Microsoft IT Academy. So here it is folks if you are into IT and would like to make a switch into the ever growing Cloud Computing industry now is your best chance while the industry is still young vibrant and all set to go.

Source: Forbes and CIO and image via Wikipedia

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