

Monday, December 3, 2012

How to check Google Authorship Analytics in Google+

Previously available in Google Webmaster tools, Author Stats is being tested within Google+. This is how Google Authorship works - when you do a search in Google, you see some results with a photo attached along with the name of the Author. This is called Google Authorship and a few lines of code can get this done for you. Especially if you have a site or blog online and want to add your name and photo to each result that shows up on Google - this is something you need to get done. So once you have added Google Authorship to your posts, you can check out detailed analytics by using Google's webmaster tools. Google however have announced that they have begun testing Author stats and analytics in Google+. So if you are a verified author of a blog or website, you can soon check how many people clicked on your article and reached your page right from within Google+.

Google Authorship Analytics in Google+

This feature is currently being tested and has been rolled out to a few select users. So how will you know when the feature has been rolled out to your profile. You will see a link at the bottom of your Google+ profile called 'Authorship Analytics'. Once this link is available you can check out your detailed analytics from within Google+. You can also try this link to check and see if the feature has been enabled for you - plus.google.com/authorship/analytics. So keep checking to see if this useful feature is made available in your profile. Image via Danny Sullivan.

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