

Sunday, December 16, 2012

How to disable all Facebook Apps

The problem with Apps is that they are able to gather data and store data if you use them. These Apps might be available on or off Facebook. No matter where you find them they are able to store your FB information. If you on the other hand do not like this and would like to permanently get rid of Apps that can track you online. Facebook have provided that option to turn off all platform apps. You would also need to remember that once this is turned-off -- you will no longer be able to login to sites that have a Facebook login or add comments on blogs and sites that use the FB commenting system. You will also no longer be able to use third-party apps likes games that you might have used with your pals. So if you do decide you want to stop, disable, turn off all Apps, plugins and websites that are third-party Facebook Apps. This is what you need to do.

How to stop, disable or turn off all Apps on and off Facebook
How to turn off all Facebook Apps1. Login to Facebook
2. Click the down arrow beside home and choose privacy settings
3. Beside Ads, Apps and Websites click on Privacy settings
4. below apps you use click on Turn Off.
5. This is the screen presented to youTurn off all Facebook Apps
6. Click on 'Turn Off Platform' hit save and you're done.

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