

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Create a customized Facebook Cover for your Timeline

Your Facebook Timeline has space for a cover image and with it comes the ability to upload fun and unique cover images. There are many free web apps that allow you to do this. Facebook Cover Maker is a fun app that helps you create your own unique Facebook cover. It works like this - when you access the app you get to choose your gender. Helps in creating a avatar - once created you can then choose your background. So your animated character can have a nice background or backdrop to stand against. In addition to choose male or female you can also choose Mangaboy and penguin. You can be a cute little penguin in character on your Facebook Timeline.

create an animated Facebook coverYou can then change the image of your character by adding customizations. If you choose female you can then change her hair style, lips and eyes to name a few. If you want to be a penguin you can add customizations to the penguin as well. You can choose what type of eyes it needs to have and other outer body customizations. All in all a fun way to create your own unique Facebook cover. If you do give it a whirl, please leave a comment with what you think. This is a work in progress and there will be a lot more customizations added in the future. Once you create your animated Facebook cover you can add it to your Timeline immediately or download it and save it on your device.

Create your own unique Facebook Cover.

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