

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Firefox OS Phones

Firefox the company known for its Mozilla Fireox browser have announced Firefox OS. An operation system for mobile phones yes the mobile phone market seems saturated with phones and smartphones, from the likes of Apple and Android phones. Not to be cowed down Mozilla plans to bring to the world their own range of SmartPhones. These phones have been officially announced by Mozilla and two models have been released to developers. It will be some time before these phones are available to the masses. In fact when it becomes available to the open market it will first be launched in Brazil. These two phones known as 'Keon' and 'Peak' have been created by a Spanish company called Geeksphone in partnership with Telefonica and Geeksphone.

Mozilla Firefox OS PhonesThe Firefox OS is based on open source and aims to be much more flexible that Google's Android. The reason for releasing the developer preview is simple. Apple's iStore and Google's Play Store have all the Apps that anyone would ever need. Firefox seeks to get as many developers on board and encourage them to create as many useful apps as possible. It's no use releasing a phone which does not have enough native apps. Users will be unwilling to buy a phone that does not have enough apps. Apps are what makes SmartPhones go round and Firefox to be successful will need as many apps as possible before releasing their phones to the market.

Another plus point would be the fact than on a Firefox phone any website can be turned into an app. You can view the phone specs at Geeksphone website here and the Mozilla Firefox press release here.

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