

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

How to Become a Wildlife Photographer

So let's say, you are starting out and want to make it as a wildlife photographer. it does not matter what you want to accomplish as a goal. The love for it should easily get you there. Maybe even be featured as an award winning photographer on National Geographic. Wildlife Photography can be either an exciting hobby or can be turned into a lucrative career. To transition from a good photographer into a professional wildlife photographer requires more than anything else patience and a love for the wild. You must be a person who loves the outdoors and who adores wildlife and nature. Since wildlife and nature photography can demand a lot of patience and dedication. So here's how to get started.

How to become a wildlife photographer1. Get yourself a camera -- if you do not have a lot of money to start off with there are many good 8 megapixel cameras (minimum pixel recommendation)available in the market at a reasonable price. Do not bother if you don't have money for a telephoto and other accessories like a tripod. If you need to rest your camera, you can always do so on the branch of a tree.

2. Practice -- taking pictures of birds and animal will help you develop you own unique technique. Remember it is what you see that is important. Two or more people might look at the same scene and shoot totally different photographs. This is the unique thing about photography.

3. Animals and birds live in the forest and the wild - learn to be silent. You will need to move about with rustling the leaves and stepping on twigs. This is something that comes with practice. Once you learn to move around silently, you can get quiet up and close to wildlife.

4. Read books and watch documentaries on wildlife. You must also learn the type of wildlife you're going to be photographing and the dangers associated with it. Whether it is underwater, forests and jungles, amazon or your backyard. All animals are unique and have their own likes and dislikes. It is good for you to now this.

5. Keep experimenting with your camera and read online what other people say about it, and how best to use it in different light settings.

6. Do not try to learn somebody else's techniques. You need to have your own unique style as that will bring recognition.

7. Patience -- if animals and birds are to get comfortable with your presence. You had better be willing to sit for days with them, till they learn not to flee from your presence.

8. Love and passion -- this is what you will need to survive in the wild and become a recognized photographer.

9. Start submitting your photos to wildlife magazines like National Geographic.

10. Start your own wildlife blog or YouTube channel to show the world your work in progress.

Note: Silence is a big thing in this field, so be prepared to spend a lot of days alone with wildlife, with silence as your friend. Once you love this, you're on your way. Image via National Geographic.

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