Men and Women in a relationship tend to tell lies. Men have their own version of what lies women tell and women have the same. Each of the genders in a relationship tend to hear the same kind of lies told to them every now and them. Some are quiet cliched and something most people identify with. #MaleLies and #FemaleLies is now treeing on
Twitter. There are many funny Tweets being sent and no wonder these topics are now trending on the top of the Worldwide topics trend list. These trends are nice to follow, especially if you have a a relationship, the relationship brings out the best in people. So if you want to read lies women tell or lies men tell these are two topics to check out on Twitter today. There are many reasons when men lie to women and why women lie to men. In hind sight it can be quite funny and provide a lot of entertainment. Just like these two trending topics on twitter are doing right now.
Top Tweet for Male Lies
Top Tweet for Female Lies
Random funny Tweet about male and female lies
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