

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Snapchat: how does it work

Snapchat is all in the news these days and with good reason. The App which has made a big splash on iPhones, iPads and on Android phones and tablets. Lets users take a picture of themselves and send it to their pals. These picture self-destruct in 10 seconds which has been a big hit among sexting teens. Sexting is the term used when people take naked, semi-naked and embarrassing photos of themselves and send it to other people. The Android App and the iPhone app which can be downloaded for free and used, has become so popular that the Snapchat team have announced that 50 million photos are being shared everyday.

Once the App is downloaded on a phone or tablet all one needs to do is to tap the button to take photo or hold the button down to take a video. Select the list of friends to send to. The photo or video gets sent and the self destructs in 10 seconds. Following the success of Snapchat, Facebook launched their own applications called the 'Facebook Poke App'. Which works along the same lines -- why Facebook is always after apps related to human relationships is something to ponder about.

Snapchat for SextingSnapchat Q&A

1. How to take a Snapchat screenshot.
There are many ways to do this -- Google your query and be hit with answers. Anyone can take a Screenshot and if the sender has his or her screenshot taken they are notified. May not be much of a consolation but the sender is notified. Screenshot is an image capture of your photo, which can be stored and used later. pretty simple and easy to do. So thinking that the photo will disappear in 10 seconds and be gone forever is not true, photos can be saved.

2. How to save a Snapchat video.
The answer is given by BuzzFeed's Katie -- here you will find a complete guide on how to store a Snapchat video. If you're not comfortable with people finding and viewing your videos, don't share.

3. Will people be able to share photos and videos
yes, once it's saved these images and videos can be shared. So, don't share anything that you will feel bad about later. Hope you get the picture.

Snapchat iOS | Andriod

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