

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Windows 8 Keyboard Shortcut Keys List

Windows 8 Modern UI has been released and if anything, it needs a little bit of getting used to. As with any Windows OS there is always a list of Shortcut keys. These help you to perform a list of actions that makes life on Windows 8 easier. To get started the Windows key is one of the most important and pressing or tapping the Windows key along with a combination of other key will help you navigate Windows 8 faster. So if you're using a keyboard along with your Windows 8 device here are some important shortcuts to help you navigate.

Here are a few hotkeys to help you get started
Windows 8 keyboard shortcuts

Find the complete list here at eightforums.com, there is also an extensive list available at Redmondpie.com and Windows 8 official list of Keyboard Shortcuts. Please find below a few more shortcuts with explanations as provided by Cnet.

windows 8 keyboard shortcuts some more

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