

Monday, March 25, 2013

How to turn on or enable Facebook Replies to Comments

Facebook have released a new feature for Facebook Pages. The ability to have users reply to comments and thereby creating threaded commenting on Facebook pages. This has long been a requested feature and up until now has not been available. With Facebook replies to comments users can now have conversations and also follow the conversations. All comments on pages used to appear one below the other and was just a comment posted. The idea or sense that a conversation was happening, did not really appear.

Facebook pages with more than 10,000 followers have this feature turned on automatically. If your page has less than 10,000 followers you can now opt-into replies by turning the feature on - on your page. The steps below will detail how to turn on, enable or activate Facebook replies to comments on your Facebook page.

How to turn on or enable replies to comments on your Facebook page.
1. Login to Facebook
2. Click on your page and open it.
3. Click on 'Edit Page' and from the drop-down choose 'Manage Permissions'.
4. Scroll right down to the bottom and you will find 'Allow replies to comments on my Page'.
How to enable Facebook replies to comments5. Check the box beside it and click on 'Save Changes'
6. you're done

Comments are available only on desktop for now, but will be available on all other options soon.

Facebook repliesYou can read the official announcement about Facebook Replies here.

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