

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Facebook iPhone and iPad App Gets Chat heads and Stickers

The Facebook App for the iPhone and iPad has got a decent upgrade. The visuals for stories on the iPad has been improved and you now have clearer and brighter stories in your News feed. Especially pictures being shared by your friends, which appear on your news feed - looks a lot more interesting and bigger. The two biggest and most noteworthy improvement are 'Chat Heads' and 'Stickers'.

Facebook Chat Heads
The way this works on the app is that - you keep doing what you normally do. When a friend wants to chat all you need to do is to click on the Chat heads icon to reply. Drag them around and flick them down to close. This way you carry on doing what you usually do and simultaneously chat with all your FB pals.

Facebook stickers and chat headsFacebook Stickers.
This is one of those fun features to add life to you fb messages. So when you're chatting all you need to do is to tap on the smiley face to add sticker to your chat. You can also tap on the basket to go to the stickers store. Here you can buy additional stickers to add color to your chat.

To updated version of the app is now available at the app store. Chat Heads and Stickers will roll out over the next couple of weeks.

Source: fb Newsroom. 

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