

Thursday, April 4, 2013

How to use LinkedIn Mentions in Status Updates and Conversations

LinkedIn has a new feature that's been announced. The ability like in Facebook to use Mentions - this would mean that on LinkedIn you can mention your connections in a status updates and you can also mention companies in your updates. So let's say you start a conversation and would like to mention some of your connections. Start by typing their names and a drop-down should appear with all your connections beginning with those letters. Choose the ones you want and get their names added to the conversation.

When you're replying to a status update that has you mentioned you can use the Facebook style @Name to reply to a person or a number of people in the conversation. The feature is being rolled out to all English speaking LinkedIn users over the next few days, and later on to all LinkedIn users. The feature will ensure that there are now threaded conversations on LinkedIn, and have a very Facebook style of conversations. This would definitely be at a huge advantage for LinkedIn, as they seek to become a Social Site with more sharing and more conversation. This was announced via the LinkedIn Blog.

How to use LinkedIn Mentions.Once you add someone as a mention in your status update. They will get a notifications letting them know they have been mentioned in a conversation. This feature will also be available to companies. So when a company has been mentioned, they will get a LinkedIn notifications letting them know that their company has been mentioned.

Source: LinkedIn Blog.

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