

Monday, May 13, 2013

Bing Tags How do they work

Bing has something new which has come with this Facebook integration - Bing Tags. Once you login to Bing with your Facebook account and do a self-search. That is earch for your name on Bing. You get your Facebook profile and the ability to tag other pages with your name. You can also tag yourself with other people on Bing. Essentially it is like a small social network that contains all your pages, blogs and websites in one place. So when your Facebook profile comes up in a Bing search you can in addition add or tag your linkedIn profile, Twitter and other social profiles' of yours. This way they say other people searching for you on Bing can be very sure that it's you, they're looking for.

You can also tag your friends and vice versa. So when you're busy adding tags a list of your Facebook friends show up on the right, from here you can choose to tag them and they can do the same to you. Once a friend has tagged you - you will get a notification on your Bing page under the 'Review Tags' section. From here you can choose to either accept or reject tags. Once you find a page you want to tag - simply click the tag me button under the page. You can also untag by clicking on the 'Untag me' button.

Bing TagsWhat are Bing Tags and how does it work
1. Once you tag your pages under your name. Then people searching for you find the real you and the results are not bunched together with other people who share the same name.
2. This feature will only be available to you and your Facebook friends.
3. If you don't want these tags posted to your Facebook Timeline - when giving the app permission use the 'Only Me' option.

Read more about Bing Tags here or Get started here.

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