

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Facebook's 'Year in Review' slideshows facing backlash over tragic events

Generally in the social interwebs, companies creating campaigns automatically assume they're sharing good news. Not taking into account worst-case scenarios in people's lives. When Facebook rolled out  'Year in Review' it reminded people of the events of 2014 and although good for a large number of users, did not go down too well for many. People's  'Year in Review' slideshows reminded them of death, divorces and other tragedies they might have faced in 2014. Facebook has recognized the mistake and has taken ownership though. Product manager Jonathan Gheller has apologized to Eric Meyer (whose story about his daughter's death first drew attention to the problem) for the mistake and declared that the "Year in Review" team "can do better" in the future. You would think a large company like Facebook might have factored this into their creative designs but as we can see that did not happen. 

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