

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Microsoft's new Nokia 215 is an internet ready phone available for $29

Please click on image to expand. The Nokia 215 is an internet ready phone with a battery that can last up to 29 days. The phone has been produced by Microsoft and is a Nokia enabled internet ready feature phone. The target market for the phone will be parts of Asia, Africa, Europe and the Middle East, places that don't have regular electricity. The Phone's apps would include built-in Facebook messenger, Twitter and a host of other Apps. These apps will not really need a 3G connection to be able to work. The phone's price is set at $29 and will be something affordable in their target market. The phone is also robust and stead and built to withstand a great deal of physical torture that comes with difficult terrains. The phone is good for first-time phone buyers as well as a secondary phone as the need might arise. It will be made available during the first quarter of 2015 and will come in single SIM and dual SIM versions. 

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