

Thursday, August 24, 2017

The Biggest Augmented Reality Trends of 2017

The adoption of augmented reality technology has been difficult, to say the least. One of the biggest challenges regarding this innovation that this is unchartered territory. It seems like most companies aren't sure of which direction to take, or how to apply AR technology to everyday situations. One constant within this argument though, is that augmented reality has limitless potential, and its applications are expanding daily.

By all accounts, augmented reality is changing for the better in 2017. With revenue in the AR industry projected to reach $90 billion by 2020, it's no question that people will be focusing on the trends that they see have the most potential. Here are the augmented reality trends that we believe will drive advancement in AR tech in 2017.

1. AR Product Support

Product support that uses augmented reality to assist in providing solutions is likely to emerge as a new method for companies to serve their customers in real-time. Through the use of overlays, augmented reality provides product makers and developers a new medium of communication for customers to provide support in things like installation, maintenance, repair, etc.

2. Apple Dives Into AR

Get ready for Apple to take a dive into the mobile AR market. With Google's involvement and success in the mobile VR market through Daydream, Apple is also trying to make a move in AR by pumping more money into research and development in this industry. In the past year, they've acquired up to four AR-related tech companies. With these investments and likely more on the way, be prepared for a big move from Apple in augmented reality.

3. Google Moves Into AR Territory

With Google's success in VR through Daydream, they are slowly trying to enter the AR market through a partnership with Lenovo. With the development of their advanced mobile AR platform Tango on the rise, Lenovo partnered with Google to make the first Tango-enabled smartphone, the Lenovo Phab2 Pro.

4. AR Smartphones

Lenovo's Phab2 Pro is not the only smartphone to enter the AR race. Asus has announced that they will also release their own Tango-enabled smartphone this year. With this technology already moving into production phase, it's no surprise that we could possibly see AR-centric smartphones as the rule, not the exception.

5. Marketing Disruption

AR has already eked out a spot in marketing strategies, but they've never been solidly used because of a lack of a viable mobile platform. With AR advancing at such speeds, though, it shouldn't be too surprising to expect new mobile marketing strategies that utilize AR for better customer leads and sales.

6. Mixed Realities

Mixed reality is a big topic of interest for AR developers. Microsoft, for example, came up with the HoloLens Development Edition goggles, which allows users to use Microsoft's software development kit (SDK) to create and innovate in a mixed reality space. Products and software of this nature could be coming up next in 2017.

7. AR Headsets

AR wearables will like make a comeback. Snapchat Spectacles, Eversight's Raptor AR Sunglasses, and castAR are all in the running to create efficient and functional AR headsets. The success of these devices lies in the belief that users should have access to AR information on a daily basis.

8. Expanded Enterprise Adoption

The availability and development of AR platforms will make it much more accessible across industry verticals. Expect to see a rise in AR tech being used in industries that haven't been introduced to it before. For example, logistics provider DHL is an example of a company that adopted AR for practical applications, something unseen in the logistics industry before.

9. AR to Beat Out VR

Virtual reality had its moments, but it's becoming clear to most people that AR is simply more useful and practical in a wider sense. Even though VR hardware came a long way, with the introduction of Oculus Rift, PlayStation VR, and HTC Vive, augmented reality had an even bigger hit with Pokemon Go.

10. Retail Will Drive AR

With AR platforms becoming more popular and accessible, especially AR-enabled smartphones, retail businesses will want to incorporate that accessibility into improved sales and marketing tactics. The real-time consumer insights provided by such technology will be equally attractive for the benefits they provide in optimizing marketing campaigns and boosting ROI.

11. Advanced AR Sensors

AR needs to be made easy for users to create their own augmented reality content. With the rise in AR popularity, AR sensors and software will be needed that are advanced enough to interpret our environment and use that data to interact with it. The more AR technology available, the easier it should be for people to be able to create their own AR experiences.

12. Large Demand for AR Developers

AR developers are identified as some of the highest paid tech specialists in the industry right now. With market projections of  $90 billion within four years, learning AR development could be something worthwhile for both new developers entering the market and for veteran developers looking to learn.

Augmented reality technology is being developed at a rapid pace as its popularity continues to grow. With its applications extending from everyday users to enterprises,the limitless potential of this tech is undeniable. To best harness the power of AR, take into consideration where it is now and where it is going based on the predictions above. 

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