

Tuesday, December 19, 2017

5 Tips for Creating and Launching A Mobile App

5 Tips for Creating and Launching A Mobile App

The mobile app market has been experiencing explosive growth since its inception. The competition is high, but so is the opportunity. With literally billions of people with smartphones–and more to come–the market promises to offer rewards well into the next decade.

It’s only natural for a business to explore the possibilities of iOS mobile app development.
App creation can be as simple or sophisticated as your business demands. All apps, however, benefit from applying a good design and research process. Here are our top 5 tips for building your mobile app:

1. Explore Before Creating

A mobile app is a product. As such, development should be approached with the same best practices for any product creation.

Market research your ideas and study the available data during your idea incubation stage. With over 5 million apps on the market, your app will face stiff competition no matter what, but positioning your idea to be better than others will give you a leg up on your competitors.

Consider micro-testing your idea. Create a simplified, visual representation of your app and offer it on your webpage. Include some form of web analytics tracking to understand if visitors are interested, what they are clicking, and what they are willing to pay for.

2. Pick A Platform for Your App

Mobile apps run on two main platforms: Android by Google and iOS by Apple. By far, developers and marketers advise going with iOS first. While Android runs on more devices than iOS, several factors favor iOS in the app world.

Developers for iOS report that Apple makes development easier, the UX design tools for development are perceived as easier to use, and software updates are more frequent with higher adoption rates.

From a business point of view, iOS tends to offer higher ROI since Apple users frequently spend more on apps than Android users. From a strategy point of view, designing for one platform first saves initial budget outlays and serves as a learning foundation for the next platform launch.

3. Create Mock-Ups and Prototypes

Brainstorm your idea vigorously. If you are a small business, think about tossing ideas to your existing clients for feedback via email surveys. Harness the power of social media by asking for feedback on concepts. You don’t have to reveal you’re doing app research, but ask questions that will inform your decisions.

Once you’ve refined your idea, move on to prototyping. Start a rough draft on a whiteboard or good, old-fashioned paper. When you have a handle on a design, explore online software for creating wireframes and app prototypes.

Wireframes are plain-looking structural plans for your app, much like an outline is to a report. App prototypes are the next step to visualization that can incorporate design ideas like fonts, colors, links and buttons.

4. Work With A Professional Developer

Unless you’re an app developer yourself, working with a professional development agency will ensure you have a quality product to release. Approach hiring a designer as you would any other staff hire: Seek out solid portfolios that hold promise for your own brand identity, client references for similar type of work, and a working relationship that reflects the way you prefer to do business.

App developers will be able to take your ideas to the next level. They can advise you on best practices, novel approaches to your own app, and provide crucial back-end programming savvy often lacked in-house by businesses.

5. Always Optimize Your Mobile App

Promoting your mobile app is crucial to attracting downloads. Apple’s App Store offers 2.2 million apps!

You need to stand out, and the way to stand out is through search optimization. Just as SEO works for internet search engines, apps need to be optimized in the app stores with keywords so that users can find you. Studies estimate that 63% of app users find their apps through search.

Once you have followed the process, published your app, and experience downloads, you have a gold mine for new market research. Monitor your users’ interactions with the app through analytics, solicit feedback from your users, and continually refine what your app has to offer.

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